Bullying and Cyber-bullying Research
Q4 2022 PR Team Presentation

Bullying and Cyber-bullying 2022 | Public Relations 

In November of this year, the dynamic Public Relations team gave a presentation on a very recent and sensitive issue: bullying in Argentina. This issue also has a virtual dimension, cyber-bullying, with the increase of use from digital platforms by children and adolescents, it's the new currency.

It is important to define this digital issue in order to dig deeper:

Cyberbullying or cyber-bullying is harassment or bullying through digital technologies. It can occur on social networks, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and cell phones.

Rocio Lator • HR Manager 

Cyber-bullying has many impacts and implications on children and adolescents both physical, emotional and psychological. To combat it, it is important to note that there is legislation that speaks on the subject:

- On one hand there is the Law 26.061 or Law of Integral Protection of the rights of children and adolescents where the State grants guarantees for the welfare of children in a situation of violence.

- On the other hand there is the regulation in the province of Buenos Aires, Law N°147750, which stipulates that both public and private schools have to establish coexistence agreements to combat bullying.

With this we understand that there are several legal measures to consider but you can also remember that the community itself can take action. Actions such as conducting a dialogue and listening to those involved, try not to minimize the events, nor encourage revenge.
One year after the pandemic, we need to address this recent issue and it is even more important to talk about it with our loved ones.

of kids have reported
of cases are in
Buenos Aires alone

In INKUA we often debate and deal about problems that not only impact Argentina but the world, because our teams are diverse and international. Would you like to become a change agent? We will like you to join our team so we don't allow these problems to grow.

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Article by: Nicole Torres
Proofreading: Frank Escudero

First Institutional Website Project
Q4 2022  IT Team Project Presentation